RedHead Paracord Knife
Submitted 9 years 7 months ago by feeds_user.
It's no secret that paracord material makes a great addition to any outdoor gear bag. With that in mind, RedHead® designed the most effective outdoorsman, survivalist and prepper knife available. The RedHead Paracord Knife includes a 3.4" x 4.25mm 8CR13mov Rc56 â 58 hardness stainless steel blade strong enough to handle any task, while the handle with 60" of wrapped paracord ensures you have a critical survival tool at your fingertips. A durable sheath is also included.
Rugged paracord survivalist knife
60" of wrapped paracord in handle
3.4-in 8CR13mov stainless steel blade
4.25mm blade thickness with Rc56-58 hardness
Camouflage paracord wrapped handle
Durable sheath included
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